-Im 13 years young♥
-I was brought into this world on august 5,1996♥
-Im a Gurl ♥
-I spaz out ALOT ♥
-Im a pretty awesome person ♥
-i have hazel eyes♥
-i have hurr♥
-ZOMG i have alot of fwends ♥
-i have 6 dogs♥
-meez a aunty♥
-i think everyone is
B E U T I F U L♥
-My nickname is fishy♥
-i love alot of bands mostly rock♥
-im pretty wandom♥
- i call my fwend a cracker [but i im not racist]♥
-i tend to use"XD" alot ♥
-MY favorite chippies are ruffles chedder cheese♥
-i love stickam♥
-i act like i know whats going on when i dont have a clue♥
VERY scarcastic
-I love boys with long hair[emo,scene]♥
-I make up words
ALOT like [Sweet bajibbies]
-i love Rice and steak♥
-My best frand in real life is kessandrahhh♥
-my best frand of the interenet is kaywa!♥
-I have haters,But there missing out on a
great friendship!!♥
-I dont lie to hurt i lie to
P R O T E C T♥
-I hate Snakes,Haters,and dum people like i know Alot of people on the interenet like that♥
-I HATE pedos♥
- i love to correct people espically on there spelling♥
-RAWR ima Baninja♥
-Wowzers im in middle school♥
-im in cali bby!♥
-i love rainstorms/thunderstorms but i hate earthquakes,>.>[live in earthquake country]♥
-im straight♥
-I hate math -.-♥
-The only part i like about school is lunch to hang out with friends pwus in the morning in the band room
-i get flirted with a lot on the interenet♥
[Shall updae later]