Well feel free to view what happens at night. =] Nothing interesting though, so don't get your hopes up =P
It's 10:41 PM Pacific Time on Friday, November 6, 2009. I'm bored..so I will just write what is happening. Now let's see...my throat hurts. I'm hungry...
10:43 My mom just got me some Tommy's. French Fries, and a plain Cheeseburger. I'm drinking SunnyD.
10:45 On youtube, looking for any good movies.
10:48 I squished a spider on my wall... R.I.P. Nasty Spider
10:49 Got up and drank some Sunny D.
*note: thoughout this whole time I am eating my french fries and cheeseburger but I will not be listing when*
10:50 I gave up searching for movies on youtube
10:51 Got up and grabbed my PSP. Decided to watch Spongebob the Movie on my PSP
10:53 Got another drink of juice
10:56 Got up and drank more juice
10:57 Finished my cheeseburger =]
10:59 No one online to chat to...decided to check just in case
10:59 Decided not to finish my fries
11:00 Paused movie and offered fries to mom or dad
*in case your wondering, my mom accepted my fries
11:01 Drank some more juice and got back to the movie
11:06 Decided to go to the living room and watch my movie there
So yeah...that's what happened from 10:41 PM - 11:06 PM. I hope you all enjoyed my..uh..er..story.
Stay tuned for next time!